nyris named sample vendor for computer vision by Gartner
With their passion for Digital Commerce and a renowned authority in the field of visual search, nyris was named a sample vendor for computer vision by Gartner.
nyris wins IKEA as a new Investor
Inter IKEA Group has made a minority investment in nyris , a Germany-based innovative deep-tech start-up company, which provides visual intelligence technology.
nyris wählt Cloud&Heat als Cloud Provider
nyris freut sich Cloud&Heat als neuen Cloud Provider bekannt zu geben. Das Dresdner Unternehmen entwickelt, baut und betreibt sichere und energie-effiziente digitale Infrastrukturen, die den Anforderungen moderner Anwendungen gerecht werden.
How can you use visual search outside of manufacturing?
An exploration of the use of visual search in the plant industry.
nyris named sample vendor for computer vision by Gartner
With their passion for Digital Commerce and a renowned authority in the field of visual search, nyris was named a sample vendor for computer vision by Gartner.